News list for " Federal Law"

Judge orders BitMEX to pay $100 million fine for violating U.S. banking laws

A U.S. federal judge has sentenced HDR Global Trading Limited, also known as the parent company of cryptocurrency exchange BitMEX, to two years of non-supervised probation and a $100 million fine. On January 15, at a hearing in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, Judge John Koeltl ruled against BitMEX. About six months ago, the cryptocurrency exchange admitted to violating the U.S. Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).

2025-01-15 22:21:46
The judge rejected the SEC's request for sanctions against Musk

A U.S. federal judge rejected the SEC's request for sanctions against Elon Musk for his absence from testifying in court orders related to his $44 billion acquisition of Twitter. Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley ruled that Musk did not need sanctions when he testified on October 3 and reimbursed the SEC $2,923 in travel expenses. The SEC argued that Musk violated the May 31 order and sought a stronger deterrent, but Corley argued that the issue was moot. Musk blamed his September 10 absence on...

2024-11-25 05:25:25
A U.S. judge has rejected a request by the Georgia Republican Party to dismiss hand-delivered absentee ballots

On Tuesday, United States Federal Judge Stan Baker rejected a request by the Georgia Republican Party to reject absentee ballots that had been handed over in several counties. The Republican party had accused the counties of illegally accepting ballots after early voting ended, but Judge Baker called it "critical" of counties that allowed voters to cast ballots over the weekend, arguing that the extended voting time did not constitute a "material difference."

2024-11-05 22:16:51
A federal judge says the Justice Department can send observers to election sites in St. Louis and Texas

A U.S. federal judge has said she will not prevent the Department of Justice from deploying surveillance personnel at polling stations in St. Louis, dismissing a lawsuit filed by Republican officials in Missouri who said the department could send observers to election sites in St. Louis and Texas.

2024-11-05 13:31:46
The US federal judge has released evidence in the Trump election immunity lawsuit

Federal Judge Tanya Chutkan released evidence in Trump's election immunity lawsuit on October 18 local time, failing to delay publication until after the November 5 US Presidential Election. Previously, the US Supreme Court ruled on July 1 that Trump enjoys a degree of immunity from criminal prosecution in federal cases of alleged "interference in the 2020 election", but is not entitled to immunity from prosecution for actions taken in a private capacity, and directed lower courts to reconsider ...

2024-10-18 20:50:29
The US Department of Justice is considering a proposal to break up some of Google's operations

On October 9, the Department of Justice told a federal judge that the Justice Department is considering a proposal to force Google to sell some of its businesses in order to mitigate the damage caused by its monopoly on the online search market. In a court filing on Tuesday, the Justice Department said Judge Amit Mehta could also force Alphabet to provide information used to build search results and artificial intelligence products.

2024-10-09 02:34:32
Brazilian judge drops criminal charges against Johann Steynberg, late mastermind of bitcoin Ponzi scheme MTI

A Brazilian federal judge has ordered the dismissal of criminal charges against Johann Steynberg, the late CEO of Bitcoin Ponzi scheme Mirror trading International (MTI), after a police investigation confirmed reports of his death. Steynberg's death certificate has been added to the case file. After the news was revealed, some of the victims immediately slandered the claims. Some believe that Steynberg may have faked his death. At the time of his death, Steynberg's death certificate revealed tha...

2024-08-17 07:46:55
Google loses a search antitrust case

A federal judge in the United States ruled Monday that Google (GOOG. O) 's maintenance of an online search monopoly is illegal, a decision that strikes at the power of big tech companies and could fundamentally change the way they do business. U.S. District Court Judge Amit P. Mehta said Google had abused its monopoly on search. The Justice Department and states sued Google, accusing it of illegally solidifying its dominance, in part by paying billions of dollars a year to other companies like A...

2024-08-05 19:33:25
Federal court orders Jafia LLC and Sam Ikkurty to pay $84 million to settle fraud charges

A federal court in Illinois has ordered cryptocurrency hedge fund Jafia LLC and its owner, Sam Ikkurty, to pay $84 million to settle allegations of "Ponzi-like" cryptocurrency fraud by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

2024-07-03 03:22:08
US federal judge upholds SEC's "majority" charges against Binance

A federal judge in the United States upheld most of the SEC's charges against Binance, arguing that the company may have violated anti-fraud rules by offering unregistered investment products. The ruling found that most of the agency's arguments were reasonable and rejected some of Binance's arguments, which were also rejected by other judges, such as the Major Questions Doctrine, which means the SEC does not have the authority to fully regulate the cryptocurrency industry. In addition, the cour...

2024-06-29 17:27:54
A US judge has allowed the SEC to proceed with most of the litigation against Binance

A federal judge has dismissed part of the Securities Exchange Commission's (SEC) lawsuit against cryptocurrency trading platform Binance and its founder, CZ. The SEC's initial coin offerings against Binance and ongoing sales of BNB, BNB Vault, pledge services, non-registration, and fraud charges can proceed. The judge granted Binance and CZ's motion to dismiss charges related to secondary market BNB sales and Simple Earn.

2024-06-29 02:49:37

7x24 Newsflash

16:22 2025-03-28
16:10 2025-03-28
据官方公告,Coinbase 国际站将上线 L3、FAI 永续合约。L3-PERP 和 FAI-PERP 市场将于 4 月 3 日上午 17:30(UTC+8)或之后开始开放交易。
16:05 2025-03-28
15:44 2025-03-28
15:43 2025-03-28
据 Onchain Lens 监测,某鲸鱼向 Coinbase 存入 659,415 枚 LINK(约 942 万美元),浮盈 353 万美元。
15:40 2025-03-28
分析:交易员正密切关注比特币81,000美元支撑位 发布社区每日摘要称,整体市场情绪似乎主要持谨慎看跌态度,因为讨论围绕着比特币在关键趋势水平附近波动,并多次提到‘缺口回补’即将到来。交易员们正在关注 81,000 美元的比特币支撑位。
15:31 2025-03-28
据 Coinglass 数据,若比特币跌破 8.2 万美元,主流 CEX 累计多单清算强度将达 3.27 亿。反之,若比特币突破 8.6 万美元,主流 CEX 累计空单清算强度将达 2.41 亿。
15:14 2025-03-28
金十期货3月28日讯,美国总统特朗普表示,他与加拿大总理卡尼周五进行了通话,两人将在加拿大大选后举行会晤。此次会晤正值加拿大与美国这一邻国盟友和主要贸易伙伴之间的关税战正在加剧之际。特朗普周五在Truth Social的帖子中表示:“这是一次非常富有成效的通话,我们在很多事情上达成了一致,并将在加拿大即将举行的选举后立即会面,就政治、商业和所有其他因素进行合作,这最终将对美利坚合众国和加拿大都有好处。”在特朗普的帖子发布后,加元应声走高,美元兑加元USD/CAD短线下挫近50点,最低至1.4277。这是卡尼3月14日就任加拿大总理以来两人的首次通话。卡尼此前呼吁在4月28日举行全国大选,美国对加拿大经济和主权的威胁已成为这场选举的主要议题。
15:12 2025-03-28
15:07 2025-03-28
15:03 2025-03-28
国内新闻:1. 习近平会见国际工商界代表:中国过去是、现在是、将来也必然是外商理想、安全、有为的投资目的地。2. 李强主持召开国务院常务会议,审议通过《关于优化口岸开放布局的若干意见》。3. 严打上市公司犯罪,公安部公布5起典型案例。4. 市场监管总局将加快推进人工智能领域国家标准研制工作。5. 十部门:到2027年力争国内铝土矿资源量增长3%—5%。6. 中国人寿保险(集团)公司原党委书记、总裁杨超被查。7. 国家市场监督管理总局:依法对长和港口交易进行审查。8. 国家金融监督管理总局:逐步建立起具有鲜明中国特色的银行业保险业养老金融体系。9. 中国人民银行召开2025年金融稳定工作会议。10. 国务院办公厅发布关于建立健全涉企收费长效监管机制的指导意见。11. 证监会公布《上市公司信息披露管理办法》,自2025年7月1日起施行。12. 中央网信办、工业和信息化部、公安部、市场监管总局开展2025年个人信息保护系列专项行动。国际新闻:1. 现货黄金继续刷新历史高位,现报3086.45美元,日内涨近1%。2. 缅甸发生7.9级地震。3. 泰国总理宣布曼谷进入紧急状态。4. 印度考虑应美...
15:00 2025-03-28